Taggart & Partners Tips, Videos and Blog
Navigating SME Cash Flow Problems
Businesses of all sizes live and die based on cashflow –this is especially true for small and medium sized enterprises. Unlike large corporations that have more extensive financial resources and access to safety nets, SMEs tend to operate on tighter margins, leaving them vulnerable to SME cash flow problems.
Effective Financial Management for Startups
Starting a new business is very exciting – it is an effort filled with great potential, endless possibilities and unavoidable challenges to be met and conquered. One of the greatest of such challenges is financial management for startups.
The Gig Economy and Taxes: What Does it Mean for You?
Freelance workers, food delivery drivers, and people who rent out an extra room on the weekends – these are some of the independent workers that make up the gig economy of Australia, and these jobs are just a small sample of the diverse range of work types that gig workers can be engaged in.
E-Commerce Tax Implications: Are You Prepped for Tax Time?
Business taxation is a complicated topic and susceptible to frequent change as tax codes are modified and updated. E commerce tax adds an additional layer of complexity to this already opaque subject but is something that any business that deals in internet related transactions must be aware of.
Tax Compliance Management in the Digital Age
It seems like the digital landscape is evolving at a faster and faster rate. Businesses adapt and change to keep up and maintain any competitive advantage. Tax authorities make frequent alterations to the tax code in response to these changes in business practices.
Estate Planning for Business Owners – What You Need to Know
It’s not the first thing most business owners think of. Running and expanding a successful company is more than a full-time job. Every day is a new challenge and a new opportunity. What comes after can be hard to see, much less plan for.