Taggart: “G’day, it’s time for another Taggart Tip.
I’m here at Gibbston Valley Winery, just outside of Queenstown, New Zealand.
I’m joined today by Meg, who’s the manager of the restaurant here.
My tip for today, is to look after your team.
To make sure that you’ve got an awesome team, that will drive your business, and make you an awesome business.
Your business needs to look after your team, to invest in your team and train your team.
Make sure you can provide the service that will build your business into something that it should be.
Would you agree with that Meg?”
Meg: “Absolutely, 100% you’ve gotta instil the passion in them, you’ve gotta encourage them and everybody loves a little bit of extras so, totally, yup completely agree.”
Taggart: “We’ve had awesome service here today, and that as I’m sure will make this winery an awesome winery to visit, as we did, and we’ve had an awesome time.
So, that’s my tip for today, look after your team, invest in your team and drive your business forward.”
Interested to find out more, get in touch with a small business advisor Brisbane wide from Taggart & Partners on (07) 3391 1188 and learn how you can drive your business forward by investing in your team.
Thank you tuning in to watch another of our Taggart Tips, a series of short video tips that can help you run, manage and grow your business. We hope you have found the information useful and will have a new Taggart Tip out for you shortly. For any urgent concerns we encourage you to get in touch with the team at Taggart & Partners today.
*** Our series of Taggart Tips are intended for guidance purposes only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this publication.
Updated 24 June 2020