Advantages to Upskilling Team Members

You’ve got a great team. They’re dedicated and professional in their attitude and their work. They’ve brought some excellent skills with them, and now you’re considering the possible advantages of helping them gain more, as the world changes and markets become more and more competitive. Even in what have been relatively sedate corners of enterprise, new winds are blowing.

It costs time and money, but the payoff in increased engagement and productivity can be well worth the investment. The big hurdles are knowing if upskilling team members is right for your business – and if it is, then picking the right way to start the process is critical.

Taggart & Partners Shows the Way

Taggart & Partners are business and tax consultants. We have years of experience providing real-world business growth advice for small and medium-sized business – we can show you how to upskill your team, and we are ready to assist with a broad range of other important aspects to creating long-lasting success. You’ll work with a representative dedicated to your business and your situation. Your questions will be answered. Plans will be developed to take your business to where you want it to go. All this and more is just a moment away – call us on (07) 3391 1188, e-mail us at, or get in touch online.

What Does Upskilling Mean for Your Business?

Changes brought about by the decades-long digital revolution have touched all industries and markets, not just with increased speed and convenience, but by blurring borders, opening new avenues for expansion, and by redefining workplace roles and creating new ones. It is no longer possible for a business to look forward to years of steady growth by doing what they’ve always done, no matter how good their execution may be. Success now favours businesses able to adapt quickly to alterations in their marketplace – possibly significant and sudden. Upskilling team members comes down to the people who make up a business being ready to learn new ways of doing and thinking, from the corner office to the main office and the shop floor.

Upskilling Needs Will Vary

In highly technical, complex, and fast-moving markets, the need has most likely already been felt and effort made to follow up. Here, the big question is often identifying the key employees who are most responsible and most exposed to the constant winds of change. They will not necessarily be managers – they will be the leaders in productive output, regardless of their job titles. Are they able to leave past practices behind and step into new ones? How large of a team needs to be around the star producers to maximise productive gains and provide a base for continued growth? Are they loyal enough to the company so they will remain in place for its benefit once they have been upskilled? How might they be induced to stay rather than offer their new skills elsewhere?

In quieter markets, changes out in the world may be more subtle, making them easy to miss until they have progressed a long way and more nimble competitors have gotten the benefits. Unanticipated changes may show up in better ways to reach customers, improved purchasing management, more efficient choices in shipping, and similar world-facing aspects, while the core internal and production processes of the business remain relatively unchanged. One department may not understand why a different department is getting all the attention and the new toys – communication to the entire team is very important. Upskilling team members is also an opportunity for cross-skilling, where employees gain knowledge and proficiency in processes outside their main roles. This enriches their experience and involvement, and helps them see the big picture.

How is Upskilling Implemented?

The actual process of upskilling may involve outside resources such as educational programs at academic institutions, or it could be in-house, job-specific training. Bringing in experts to inform at seminars and mentor in small groups can work well. Costs can be controlled by using remote learning tools. Person-to-person engagement remains the most effective way of influencing and motivating employees to push their boundaries. There is no one right way – the best guide will be experience and feedback.

Upskilling is a Process

Businesses that have been successful in implementing upskilling have discovered that it is a journey that goes on and on. It isn’t possible to declare a stop point where everybody has been upskilled and won’t need to do it again. That is not how to upskill your team members efficiently. It might have worked in the old world, with stable technologies and job descriptions, and incremental changes in skills needs.

Now, unless a business is always moving forward, it is falling behind. Flexible planning and sharp budget control become paramount, so the business can continue to prosper while affording continuous changes and the constant process of upskilling team members. The old world was easier, but the new world we are in has broader horizons for those who can reach out to them.


Consult With the Professionals

Call on trusted experts to guide your entry to the new world, and help you manage the years of change that lie ahead. Taggart & Partners is ready to listen – we want to know about your business and your situation. We are here to see your enterprise succeed, with a wide range of services for small and medium-sized businesses, from employee-focused programs like upskilling, to SMB accounting. Find out everything Taggart & Partners can do for you. Call us on (07) 3391 1188, e-mail us at, or get in touch online. Take the first step into an outstanding future.

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