Taggart Tip #16 – Don’t Wait to Innovate

Don't Wait to Innovate


Taggart: “Ok, G’day it’s time for another Taggart tip. The theme is ‘innovation’.

Now, the people that I know that have innovated the hell out of their business is these guys.

I’m joined by Daniel Lee, the founding director of Plum Properties and by the way we’re here at the Story Bridge Hotel and we’re about to head inside for a beautiful meal and a Henschke wine tasting.

But before we do that, Daniel, tell me about how you came up with your business name?”

Daniel: “Plum Property, well it just came about by you know, thinking about something that wasn’t exactly to do with property. So, we threw out some names and ‘Plum’ was really one that stuck out to us because it doesn’t really have anything to do with property. But we knew we could work with it in some way. So, that’s how that came about.”

Taggart: “Awesome. Now the other thing that I know you guys are killing is the way that you actually market the properties for sale. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about how you do this? Because I know it’s different from everybody else.”

Daniel: “It is very different, because we use a lot of video marketing that has themes and stories around it and then we use that on social media as content to just get out there to a really really broad audience and it finds a lot more buyers from properties than just going through the usual channels. So, we’ve done that really well and it’s worked for us”

Taggart: “So, this is an example of businesses innovating and being different and making sure that you’re competing for the same sale and the same dollar that everybody else is and getting there first and that’s the key. We didn’t need a pandemic for that to happen, you were doing it already?”

Daniel: “I was, yeah.”

Taggart: “So, continue doing that.”

Daniel: “Thanks bud.”

Taggart: “So, my tip for the day is ‘Don’t wait to innovate, get out there, be bold, be brave and make it happen”.

Daniel: “Absolutely, I’ll tell you what, I’m pretty good at all the real estate stuff but you know what? Doing all the numbers and the finances and all that you gotta have someone good in your corner. That’s why I use Ray as a team.

Taggart: “Thank you”

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with a small business advisor from Taggart & Partners on (07) 3391 1188 and learn how you can be bold, be brave and make it happen with Taggart & Partners.   

Thank you tuning in to watch another of our Taggart Tips, a series of short video tips that can help you run, manage and grow your business. We hope you have found the information useful and we will have a new Taggart Tip out for you shortly. For any urgent concerns we encourage you to get in touch with the team at Taggart & Partners today.

*** Our series of Taggart Tips are intended for guidance purposes only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this publication.

Updated 7 December 2020

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