Hiring for Cultural Fit

Many employers understand the importance of hiring for cultural fit, but they don’t know how to address the matter in their hiring process.

When hiring for cultural fit, it’s important to choose applicants who can work well in your current business environment and adapt to the core business principles and values that guide your team’s success. Evaluating cultural fit through your hiring process also helps to lessen high staff turnover as new hires tend to fit in with the organisation’s culture with more ease.

When new staff fit in with the culture, they are also more likely to experience greater satisfaction and perform better.

Hiring for the right cultural fit often means first assessing your business’ core values and mission. Understanding the aspects of your culture helps craft your job advertisement and draw the correct types of candidates.

Having a clear vision is essential in attracting individuals with a similar mindset – those who are willing to work hard to improve your business. When it comes to interviewing potential workers, asking the right questions to assess the cultural fit is key.

Continue reading as the Taggart & Partners team looks at 4 interview techniques to help your business with hiring for cultural fit.

4 Interview Techniques to Help with Hiring for Cultural Fit


Prompt them to open up beyond their work history and experience – for example, asking what they find challenging about their current role or what is the best team they have worked in. This may provide clues to the environment they prefer to work in and what motivates them to work.

Preferred management style

Ask a potential candidate about their preferred management style. Their answer is useful in determining how they like to organise their work and take instructions and overall guidance. It can also prompt them to describe their ideal workplace and see if it aligns with your business.


If you are looking to employ someone who will sincerely work towards your business goals, you must ensure that your potential candidate’s values align with those of your business. These candidates will seek to grow with you and promote the business as a great place to work.

Why they want to work for you

Hiring people who are passionate and ambitious is critical. Asking a potential employee why they want to work for you helps give insight into whether their interests, skills and career goals will serve your organisation.

Want to learn more?

If you’d like more about hiring for cultural fit don’t hesitate to give our business advisory team a call on 07 3391 1188 or email info@taggartandpartners.com.au today.

*** This publication is for guidance only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this publication. Publication date July 2018.

Updated 24 November 2020

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