In today’s society, the importance of an agile workplace is more important than ever. With technological change as the norm – new opportunities are continually arising that change the way a business operates or improves products and processes. Businesses that are complacent can risk failing.
Creating a workplace which emphasises the need to meet changing demands is important. That is where agility fits in. An agile workplace is one that adapts quickly to the changing needs of the market, its customers, employees and other key stakeholders.
Agile workplaces respond faster to these trends and disruptions, are more efficient and encourage innovation.
Consider the following ways to promote a culture of agility in your workplace:
Staff training and development
Building up your team to deal with disruptions and contingencies is key. Cross training and re-skilling your staff is one way to meet the ever-changing demands of your business. This provides flexibility as roles can be rotated and a variety of tasks can be delegated. Having multidisciplinary teams also helps to create a smooth transition when a staff member leaves and another employee starts, meaning the team won’t suffer too much from the departure of one staff member.
Use data to make decisions
Agile businesses determine the strategic direction of the business by evidence obtained from multiple sources of data and insights. By using data rather than relying on knowledge alone, businesses can gain a competitive advantage and respond to predicted forecasts and opportunities in a timelier manner. Data can also be utilised to reduce inefficiencies and manage risk more effectively.
Leverage technology
Technology is the ally of an agility workplace. To successfully thrive, technology must be at the forefront. Traditional business models are continually changing with technology providing new ways of doing business. Adopting new technologies and encouraging adaptation among staff can help to remain competitive and agile.
Want to learn more about adopting an agile workplace? Get in touch with the business advisory team at Taggart & Partners today for knowledgeable business advice to help your business thrive.
*** This publication is for guidance only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this publication. Publication date July 2018.